Video https://youtu.be/qcx-PVcImgM
We did it! Thanks to the generous donations of the Sri Lankan community in New Zealand and beyond, New Zealand Sril Lanka Foundationare delighted to have been able to raise $20,000 to cover the full cost of purchasing 2 Ventilators for Dikoya and Diyathalawa hospitals in Sri Lanka. The Ventilator in Dickoya hospital is for adult Covid 19 parents and the hospital is sitauted in the midst of tea estates in Hatton area.
The ventilator at Diyatalawa hospital is in the peadiatric ward which will be used by other kids in the Uva province hospitals too.Being so far a way from our motherland, it is comforting to know that our efforts are going towards not only the care of children with respiratory diseases and COVID induced pmeumonia but also towards adults with the extra flow meter supplied by us.